Fairfield Schools
Vacaville Schools
Foxboro Elementary
After participating in International Walk to School Day and Bike to School Day with positive experiences the last 2 years, assistant principal, Kristyn Andrews, wanted to promote walking and biking to school to Foxboro Elementary students on a regular basis. So she took the next step and started a monthly WOW Wednesday program in November 2017.
WOW Wednesdays encourage students to walk or ride bikes or scooters to school. On the first Wednesday of the month, the Watch D.O.G. volunteers greet students near the school to cheer and thank them for walking, biking or riding a scooter instead of taking the car to school. For their efforts the students get a charm to put on a chain to proudly display on their backpacks.
Foxboro Elementary exemplifies what it means to be a Champion School. In addition to hosting International Walk to School Day, Bike to School Day and monthly WOW Wednesdays, Mrs. Andrews has encouraged participation in our annual Poster Contest and the twice-yearly student travel surveys. In addition, Foxboro goes the extra mile by promoting the events on its eye-catching school marquee and on the school web page.