Suisun City Schools

Dan O Root Health and Wellness Academy
Suisun City

Dan O Root Health and Wellness Academy is a K-8 school and has been active in Solano Safe Routes to School since 2008. This neighborhood school with a large park adjacent to the school is a perfect example of a walkable school. Longtime Dan O Root Principal Julie Reece and Assistant Principal Tracy Lewis saw a perfect partnership to help keep students active and healthy. They have been a consistent participant in SR2S and have participated in each event or activity offered over the years. Read more about how Dan O Root became an SR2S Champion School and how the school administration keeps the health and safety and of their students in the forefront.
Dan O Root Health and Wellness Academy Champion School
Read the final 2019 Walk Audit Report
Suisun Elementary
Suisun City

Principal Ann Marie Nuebert has piloted Suisun Elementary into becoming a growing Champion School in the Solano Safe Routes to School program. The school participates in many events and activities throughout the school year. Teachers, Roxie De La Rosa and Elizabeth Brent lead the SR2S effort at the school and provide guidance and motivation to the students.
These champion teachers and the students have made International Walk to School Day a major school event for the last 2 years. In 2018, Suisun Elementary School’s Student Leadership partnered with a local high school’s leadership team to plan the event. Over 150 students walked with parents and caregivers to school, exceeding the expectations for the first-time event.
In 2019, to accommodate an even larger group of participants, the school designated a meet-up location at Heritage Park in Suisun City. The park is located ¾ of a mile from the school. Over 250 students, parents, teachers, and administrators participated in the walk that morning. There were joined by officers from the Suisun City Police Department to help keep the walkers safe as they crossed city streets. The kids and adults had fun walking together, shouting, cheering and holding banners, and arrived to a group celebration at school. This school is thinking outside the box and engaging other student leaders to make this yearly event a success!
Watch as Suisun Elementary students, parents and staff arrive for International Walk to School Day 2018!