About Safe Routes to School
Solano Safe Routes to School – Your Kids. Your School. Your Community.

Safe Routes to School programs can:
- Increase the number of children walking and biking to school safely
- Reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality around schools
- Increase daily physical activity levels and reduce obesity and other health risks
- Improve academic performance among children
The Safe Routes to School program offers a wide range of free programs, activities and events for schools.
Successful Safe Routes to School programs include each of the 6 E’s
- Education – ensures children, parents and the community know how to walk, bike and drive safely.
- Engineering – makes sure the streets and sidewalks around schools are built for safety.
- Encouragement – makes it fun for children, parents and the community to walk and bike.
- Enforcement – ensures traffic laws and school policies are followed.
- Evaluation – checks the progress of the program and makes changes as needed.
- Engagement – emphasizes the importance of involving schools, parents, youth and other key stakeholders in the process to ensure program sustainability.