Case study
Rio VistaSR 12 and Gardiner Road, Montezuma Hills Path

The SR 12 crossing at Gardiner Way in the City of Rio Vista is a well-used pedestrian route for students that live on the west side of Rio Vista that attend D. H. White Elementary located on the east side of SR 12. Before the updated crossing, in pavement flashing lights were present at the crossing. The project identified the need to repaint the crosswalk, and add an overhead flashing pedestrian warning light for motorists.
In June 2020, the City of Rio Vista completed an all weather path along Montezuma Hills Road. With funding from Senate Bill 1 and the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, the new path replaces the existing pathway made of decomposed granite. This original pathway often washed away during the winter rains, making it difficult for students and residents to use the path for walking or biking. The new multi-use path connects the Vineyard Bluffs subdivision and Riverview Middle School, with the goal to help reduce vehicle traffic along this route.
In 2002-03, the City of Rio Vista was granted funding to install a lighted crosswalk on SR 12 at Gardiner Way. At the time the crosswalk was installed at to current Caltrans standards. The project was constructed with in-pavement flashing lights, and was the only regulated crossing on SR 12, other than the signal light installed in 2002-03 at Hillside Terrace Way.
In the 2013 SR2S Plan, updating this Project was identified as a priority. The City of Rio Vista was allocated $100,000 from Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Funds to install a new lighted crosswalk at SR 12, replacing the existing in-pavement lighted crosswalk. The City Engineer and staff worked closely with Caltrans and STA staff to develop a set of plans and specifications to meet the new standards for lighted crosswalks within the budget allocated from the available SR2S Funds. The Project went to bid in April 2016 and construction started in early September 2016 and the project was completed in early Fall 2016.

(above – SR 12/Gardiner Way crossing prior to improvements)
The Project was supported by the City of Rio Vista, Caltrans and the Solano Transportation Authority for use by bicyclists, pedestrians, and students that need to cross from the west side of SR 12 to the to attend D. H. White Elementary, and for students crossing to attend school at Riverview Middle, and Rio Vista High School.
Prior to the construction of the overhead lighting, ADA Curb Accessibility and crosswalk, the City of Rio Vista Police Department (RVPD) conducted crosswalk enforcement exercises to educate drivers and pedestrians on crosswalk laws. The SR2S Program works with the RVPD under the Program’s Public Safety Enforcement and Education Grant. This gratn funding provides additional Enforcement and Education activities around driver safety, bike and pedestrian safety, and support for SR2S program efforts within the City of Rio Vista, D. H. White Elementary, Riverview Middle and Rio Vista High Schools.
The new SR 12 Lighted Crosswalk at Gardiner Way is a milestone for safety in comparison with the previous lighted crosswalk for the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians, and students to use every day. The previous lighted crosswalk was limited in visibility and ADA access, although designed to Caltrans specifications at the time of construction.
This new lighted crosswalk allows for the ability of approaching cars and trucks to see the people in the crosswalk. This lighted crosswalk is of regional significance for bicyclists, pedestrians, and visitors who come to Rio Vista to visit the SR 12 corridor, Downtown Rio Vista and the Waterfront Areas. With more bicycle and pedestrian planned Complete Street improvements within the SR 12 Corridor, and the Downtown and Waterfront Areas, the need and use of such a safe lighted crosswalk is even greater during special events like the Annual Bass Derby and more planned events along the newly completed waterfront Promenade Phase II Project.