Case study
Vacaville – HSIP Cycle 9 Projects (2020)Marshall Road at Southside Bikeway

The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) provides funding for local safety projects that will reduce crashes and fatalities on public roadways. Projects must be identified based on crash experience, crash rate, crash potential, or other data based means. Projects eligible for HSIP include (but are not limited to): pedestrian crossing improvements, guard rail extensions, pavement or shoulder widening, traffic calming, etc.
In 2018, the crossing of the Alamo Creek Bike Path at Marshall Road was identified as a potential project for HSIP Pedestrian Set-aside funding. Each local agency has $250,000 in available funding per cycle to apply for safety related improvements. The City of Vacaville in partnership with STA applied for HSIP Cycle 9 funding for crossing improvements at this location and Browns Valley Parkway at Waterford/Clarescastle. These locations serve students as they travel to school.

In 2018, as part of the Padan Elementary School walk audit with SR2S and City of Vacaville Traffic Engineering staff, Principal Cicely Rodda expressed her concern over the lack of a marked crossing at this location for students and families that walk and bike to Padan Elementary and Vacaville Christian High School using the Southside Bikeway trail. When school is in session, Padan Elementary holds a weekly Walk or Wheel (WOW) Wednesday event that encourages student to skip the car and walk, bike, skateboard or scooter to school.
City of Vacaville staff recognized this as a potential location for a high visibility crossing and included the location in the HSIP Cycle 9 Pedestrian Set-Aside application. Funding was awarded for a new crosswalk, ADA accessible curb ramps and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs). Construction of the project was completed in 2020.