Previous SR2S Micro Grant Cycle 2 Awardees:
Program Offerings
SR2S Micro Grant Program
Bike Vallejo: Bike safety signage and incentives
City of Benicia: Crossing improvements at E 2nd Street and Riverhill/Augustine Dr.
City of Vacaville: Radar feedback signs
City of Vallejo: Crossing improvements at Dan Mini Elementary
Cooper Elementary (Vacaville): Walk and bike program incentives
Dan Mini Elementary (Vallejo): Walk and bike safety improvements
David Weir Prep Academy (Fairfield): Walk and bike safety equipment and incentives
DH White Elementary (Rio Vista): Walk and bike incentives
Dixon Montessori Charter School (Dixon): Bike safety equipment and scooter racks
Fairmont Charter School (Vacaville): Safety equipment and incentives
Knight Middle School (Dixon): Skateboard and scooter racks
Loma Vista Envrionmental Science Acad. (Vallejo): Road striping and signage improvements
Mare Island Health and Fitness Acad. (Vallejo): Bike racks, walk and bike incentives
St. Basil’s School PAC (Vallejo): Sidewalk improvements
Suisun City Youth Commission (Suisun City): Walk to School Day event and incentives
UPNATM (Fairfield-Suisun): Bike safety equipment and incentives
Cycle 1 Micro Grant Projects by City
Joe Henderson Elementary
Joe Henderson Elementary School PTO applied for funding to improve the crossing at Hastings and Sweetbrier. Funding was awarded for the purchase of a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB), these warning lights aid in alerting drivers to the presence of pedestrians in the crosswalk. This project was completed in February 2021, concurrently with additional improvements as part of a larger Safe Routes to School Project. The additional improvements included widening the sidewalk north of the driveway, ADA curb ramps and accessibility. |
Dixon Montessori Charter School
Dixon Montessori was awarded safety equipment and incentive items for a new drop-off and pick-up plan and their weekly Walk or Wheel (WOW) Wednesday program. |
Riverview Middle School
Riverview Middle School received funding to construct a fenced bike corral to keep students’ bikes and scooters safe during the school day. (click on photo to view larger).
Students’ comments on the project:
Blake – I always ride my bike. It’s a lot faster and cheaper and works better for my family. My parents are really busy. It’s an easier way for me to get to school on my own. It makes me feel safer putting my bike in there. I left my bike accidentally at school overnight last year and it was stolen. So I’m glad it will be locked up now. I may ride my skateboard now too.
Levi – I usually take the bus, but with coronavirus, it will be easier to take my long board or bike. I’m always worried about it being taken from school. The gated area will be locked. That’s nice.
Browns Valley Elementary
Browns Valley Elementary PTO was awarded funding to purchase 4 scooter racks for students that ride to school. These racks were purchased in the Spring of 2021 and were installed a week prior to students returning to in person classes. Two racks were installed by the lower grade classrooms and two were installed by the upper grade classes. This placement allows students to ride to school and park their scooters close to their classrooms.
Ellie Steed, in the 2nd grade says, “Last year, if I rode my scooter I had to lay it on the ground by the bike racks. I like the little scooter racks because now all the second graders can park by our class and it’s easier to ride your scooter to school.”
Kairos Public Schools
Kairos Public Schools (Vacaville) received safety equipment for their existing drop-off an pick-up program including high visibility signage for crosswalks around the school. The school will be using incentives received for a new walking program and pedometers for use in PE classes.
Radar Feedback Signs
The City of Vacaville completed the installation of 5 Radar Feedback Signs at Browns Valley, Callison, and Cambridge Elementary schools in early August 2020. (click on photo to view larger)
Vaca Pena Middle School
Vaca Pena Middle School in Vacaville completed the installation of locking scooter/skateboard racks and bicycle tire pump, encouraging more students to ride to school.
“With our ever changing world and families with challenging work schedules, now more than ever I believe that our students will be utilizing bikes, scooters and skateboards to attend school once we begin our in-person learning in the upcoming weeks. “ – Principal C. Moe
Sierra Vista K-8 School
Sierra Vista received walk and bike incentive items to support their Healthy Sierra Vista initiative when students return to campus
“Creating a healthy environment for all the students at our school is exactly what we, as a PTC, are aiming to do.” – Sierra Vista K-8 PTC President
Dan Mini Elementary and Everest Academy received safety equipment for high traffic Drop-off and Pick-up times.
Dan Mini Elementary also received walking program incentives and bike safety equipment to help students get to school safely by skipping the car ride, these items included bike helmets, bike locks, and small bike repair kits.
Walking School Bus

A Walking School Bus is a group of children walking to or from school with an adult. Trained volunteers or school staff meet the children at a specific location and time and supervise them along the route. Parents are welcome to drop their child off at a Walking School Bus “stop” along the route or walk with their children and the group to school.
Find Out MoreWalk or Wheel Programs

A Walk or Wheel (WOW) Day is an ongoing, school-wide event your school can schedule weekly or monthly to encourage students to walk or wheel (by bike, scooter, or skateboard) to school. Schools can market the event as “Walk or Wheel (WOW) Day”, “Walking Wednesday”, or “Fit Friday”. Whatever you call it, it’s all good!
These schools participate with weekly or monthly WOW programs.
Find Out MoreBike Rodeo

A fun, interactive, and educational event to teach youth how to be safer pedestrians, bicyclists, and scooter riders. Students will walk, ride, and roll through Safe Moves City with intersections, crosswalks, bike lanes, traffic signs & signals, railroad tracks, railroad signs, cars, houses, and stores. Safe Moves City, a Solano Safe Routes to School partner, simulates traffic hazards facing youth as they walk, ride and roll to and from school and destinations in
their community.
K-8 students should bring their own bike or scooter and must be able to ride without assistance. Signed waivers and helmets are required. Students without a bike will receive education and participate as pedestrians.
For more information or to schedule a Bike Rodeo at your school, contact the Safe Routes to School program at (707) 399-3222 or
Find Out MoreBike Mobile

The Bay Area Bike Mobile provides students with free hands-on bike repair at your school. The Bike Mobile staff shows students how to perform easy maintenance on their bikes, while fixing flat tires, adjusting bike seats and replacing worn brakes. The Bike Mobile staff is on site for 3 hours and fixes bikes on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information about the Bike Mobile or to schedule an event at your school, contact the Safe Routes to School program at (707) 399-3222 or
Find Out MoreNational Bike and Roll to School Day
B2SD 2024
Each May, students across Solano County strap on their helmets, hop on their bikes, and pedal to school on National Bike and Roll to School Day (B2SD), a highlight of National Bike Month. The Solano Safe Routes program sponsored the first event for Solano County in 2013, and participation has continued to grow each year.
Bike and Roll to School Day is not just about journey; it’s about fostering a sense of community , promoting a healthy lifestyle, and reducing traffic congestion. By encouraging students to pedal their way to school, we instill a love for physical activity, teach valuable road safety skills, and continue to greener planet.
To make this day even more exciting, our SR2S team offers a range of incentives for participating schools that register through the SR2S program. These incentives are available while supplies last, so don’t miss out on the chance to amplify the pedal power at your school!
Bike and Roll to School Day 2025 – May 7, 2025
Bike and Roll to School Day 2026 – May 6, 2026
Bike and Roll to School Day 2027 – May 5, 2027
International Walk & Roll to School Day (W2SD)
Are you ready to take a step towards a healthier and more sustainable future? Join us for Walk to School Day, a global movement dedicated to promoting the benefits of walking to school. On this special day, communities from all over come together to encourage students, parents, and educators to leave the car keys at home and embrace the simple joy of walking to school.
What is International Walk & Roll to School Day?
International Walk & Roll to School Day (W2SD) is an annual event celebrated worldwide. It’s a day when schools, families, and communities unite to:
- Promote Health: Walking is an excellent way to stay active and healthy. It helps students get their daily dose of exercise, improves concentration, and contributes to a better overall well-being.
- Reduce Traffic Congestion: By walking instead of driving, we can reduce traffic congestion around schools, making the morning commute safer and less stressful for everyone.
- Connect Communities: Walking to school fosters a sense of community as students and parents walk together, chat with neighbors, and enjoy the fresh air.
- Protect the Environment: Fewer cars on the road mean less air pollution and a smaller carbon footprint, helping to combat climate change and create a cleaner environment for future generations.
Want to Participate?
Participating in W2SD is easy:
- Mark Your Calendar: Find out the date for Walk to School Day in your region and mark it on your calendar.
- Plan Your Route: Choose a safe walking route to school. Consider organizing group walks with friends and neighbors for added fun and safety.
- Get Involved: Encourage your school to participate and promote the event within your community. You can also organize fun activities like themed walks, healthy breakfasts, or walking contests.
- Share Your Experience: On Walk to School Day, share your experience on social media using the official hashtag and help inspire others to join the movement.
Why Does Walk & Roll to School Day Matter?
By participating in W2SD, you’re not only improving your own health but also making a positive impact on your community and the environment. Let’s come together, take a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and pave the way for a greener, cleaner, and more connected future.
Join us for Walk to School Day and be a part of a global movement dedicated to making our communities healthier, happier, and more sustainable. Together, we can make a difference, one step at a time.
Safe Routes to School "at Home" Activities

Below is a list of resources and activities to keep our kids active and healthy.
Safe Biking Resources
Guide for bicycle helmet fitting – NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
Safe Biking Packet: Proper Helmet Fit, Rules of the Road and Wheeled Sports Safety – SafeKids Worldwide
Bicycle Safety Activity Kit (Ages 4-7) – NHTSA
Bicycle Safety Activity Kit (Ages 8-11) – NHTSA
Bike Safety Tips (English) – NHTSA
Bike Safety Tips (English) – Solano Safe Routes to School Program
Bike Safety Tips (Spanish) – Solano Safe Routes to School Program
Top 10 Bike Rides in Solano County – Remember to maintain physical distancing (6 feet) when travelling in the community and on trails. Check before you go – due to Covid 19 precautions, some Solano County Parks may be closed.
Bicycling Videos:
Sesame Street Helps Students Learn to Ride
ABC, Quick Check (before you ride)*
Biking Hand Signals*
Power Pedal Position*
Learn How to Fix a Flat Tire*
*Videos developed by Oregon Safe Routes to School
Ride Smart Videos – League of American Cyclists
Bicycle Safer Journey (English) – Federal Highway Administration
Three animated videos for ages 5-9, 10-14, 15-18 accompanied by a quiz for students to take after watching the video.
Safe Walking Resources
Top 10 Walks and Hikes in Solano County – Remember to maintain physical distancing (6 feet) when walking in the community and on Solano County trails. Check before you go – due to Covid 19 precautions some Solano County Parks may be closed.
10 Great Bike Bike Rides and Walks in Benicia – Remember to observe physical distancing (6 feet) while out in the community.
Geochaching -Try this real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices.
Overview of Pedestrian Safety Tips by Age – National Safe Routes to School
Prevent Pedestrian Crashes (Pre-teens and Teens) – NHTSA
Safe Walking Videos:
4 Ways, Always – Walk ‘n Rollers
Includes 10 safety tips to walk safely to school, or in your neighborhood
Walk this Way – Pennsylvania DOT/SR2S
Pedestrian Safer Journey (English) – Federal Highway Administration
Three animated videos for ages 5-9, 10-14, 15-18 accompanied by a quiz for students to take after watching the video.
Viaje seguro para peatones de 5 a 9 años
Viaje seguro para peatones de 10 a 14 años
Viaje seguro para peatones de 15 a 18 años
Primero, los estudiantes pueden ver el video para observar como tres niños aprenden a elegir los lugares más seguros para caminar y cruzar las calles y la importancia de observar los autos y el resto del tráfico.
Lesson Plans and Activities: Incorporating Safe Routes to School Pedestrian and Bike Safety at Home and in the Classroom
Fitness Breaks with Pro Athletes – Alliance for a Healthier Generation
CA Pedestrian and Bike Safety Curriculum (Grades 4-5)
CA SR2S Technical Resource Center
Includes lessons on the importance of physical activity(PE Focused), Health Benefits (Science Focused), Environmental Impact of Walking and Bicycling, Rules of the Road, Pedestrian Safety.
Bike Safety Activity Book (Ages 4-7) – NHTSA
Bike Safety Activity Book (Ages 8-11) – NHTSA
Pedestrian Safety Grades 4-5 (NHTSA)
Pedestrian Safer Journey Three animated videos for ages 5-9, 10-14, and 15-18 accompanied by a quiz by age for students to take after watching the video (English and Spanish)
Bicycle Safer Journey Three animated videos for ages 5-9, 10-14, and 15-18 accompanied by a quiz by age for students to take after watching the video (English and Spanish)
Bike Helmet Fitting and Education

Safety isn’t the only reason to wear a helmet, it’s also the law in California. Youth under 18 years of age must wear a helmet when riding a bike. The Bike Helmet Fitting and Education program provides bike helmets to students with an economic need and teaches why it’s important to wear a helmet and other bike safety tips. Groups of 4-6 students are each properly fitted with a new helmet at their school (no more than 30 students per event).
To schedule a helmet fitting at your school, contact the Safe Routes to School Program at (707) 399-3222 or
Download the Helmet Fitting and Bike Safety Packet.
Find Out MoreSchool Safety Presentations

These interactive traffic safety presentations are geared to educate students about pedestrian and bicycle safety. Schoolwide presentations are divided into two grade groups, primary and secondary.
Duration: 45-60 minutes
For more information, contact the Safe Routes to School Program at (707) 399-3222 or
Find Out MoreHigh School Youth Engagement

In 2017, Solano Safe Routes to School (SR2S) launched the Youth Engagement Pilot Program to support high school aged youth in Solano County.
Since the SR2S Program has traditionally focused on supporting elementary school youth, this Youth Engagement Program was designed to:
- increase high school youth leadership and involvement in Safe Routes to School activities countywide and;
- engage in youth-led projects that can lead to sustainable solutions in improving active transportation and safety, reducing carbon emissions and/or addressing Safe Routes to School goals such as increasing walking, biking or physical activity.
Participating sites will be asked to engage in a YPAR (Youth-Led Participatory Action Research) or Photovoice Project following an easy-to-follow curriculum provided to them by SR2S. The SR2S team will work with participants to build capacity and skills for young people and their adult counterparts that will potentially increase youth-led activities and promotion of the Safe Routes to School program countywide.
More information and program application is available below or contact us at:
707-399-3222 or