Walking School Bus

What is a Walking School Bus?

What are the Benefits?

The benefits to kids, schools, parents and the environment are plenty!  Joining a Walking School Bus (WSB) is a fun way for children to increase their physical activity, socialize with friends, gain  independence, and to know their neighborhoods.  A Walking School Bus also provides a safer environment for all children walking to school by having an adult presence in the neighborhood. A WSB group is also more visible to drivers, which makes walking safer.  And with fewer cars around schools during drop off and pick up times, there’s less  traffic resulting in safer streets and better air quality.

A Walking School Bus is a group of children walking to or from school with an adult. Trained volunteers or school staff meet the children at a specific location and time and supervise them along the route. Parents are welcome to drop their child off at a Walking School Bus “stop” along the route or walk with their children and the group to school.


Callison Elementary Parents:
Register your student to participate. Download the form below and submit your completed permission form to the school office.

How can you start a Walking School Bus at your school?

Talk with other parents who would like to be part of the school traffic solution by walking with their children to school instead of driving. Then start walking together as a group!

The Safe Routes to School program can help schools form a more structured Walking School Bus. We offer free training for parent or staff leaders, help establish routes and provide materials and incentive items. Let your school principal or PTA/PTO know you’d like to have a Walking School Bus at your school and we’ll work together to get one going.

For more information, contact the Safe Routes to School program at (707) 399-3222 or solanosr2sinfo@sta.ca.gov.

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