High School Youth Engagement

In 2017, Solano Safe Routes to School (SR2S) launched the Youth Engagement Pilot Program to support high school aged youth in Solano County.
Since the SR2S Program has traditionally focused on supporting elementary school youth, this Youth Engagement Program was designed to:
- increase high school youth leadership and involvement in Safe Routes to School activities countywide and;
- engage in youth-led projects that can lead to sustainable solutions in improving active transportation and safety, reducing carbon emissions and/or addressing Safe Routes to School goals such as increasing walking, biking or physical activity.
Participating sites will be asked to engage in a YPAR (Youth-Led Participatory Action Research) or Photovoice Project following an easy-to-follow curriculum provided to them by SR2S. The SR2S team will work with participants to build capacity and skills for young people and their adult counterparts that will potentially increase youth-led activities and promotion of the Safe Routes to School program countywide.
More information and program application is available below or contact us at:
707-399-3222 or solanosr2sinfo@sta.ca.gov
Solano County Youth Engagement Projects
Read more about the Youth Engagement Projects by Armijo High Students and the Dixon Police Cadets
Previous Youth Engagement participants:
Armijo High School Leadership Team
Dixon Police Department Cadets
Fairfield High School Leadership Academy
Fighting Back Partnership – Jesse Bethel High School
Fighting Back Partnership – John Finney High School
Vacaville REACH Coalition