Rio Vista Schools
D.H. White

D.H. White has been involved in Solano Safe Routes to School since 2008. They started out by participating in the Travel Surveys. Since then they have participated in 20 events/activities, including International Walk to School Day, National Bike to School Day, Safety Assemblies, and Poster Contests. Longtime school secretary Codi Agan is a champion for the SR2S program and each year works with SR2S to schedule a variety of activities for D.H. White students to make sure they receive bike and walk safety messages and increase their physical activity.
Each year for International Walk to School Day in October, the school partners with the Rio Vista Police Department to join students as they travel to school. The school designates a meet-up location for students and families to walk together, making it a schoolwide community building event.
Riverview Middle School

Riverview Middle School is an enthusiastic partner in Solano Safe Routes to School Program. Through the years Riverview Middle School has participated in student travel surveys, International Walk to School Day, and National Bike to School Day. In 2016, and in coordination with the Rio Vista Police Department the leadership class led by teacher Alyson Stiles, developed and presented a bike and walk safety assembly to the student body. The students made props for the assembly and presented lessons on the proper fit for a helmet, as well as bike, scooter and pedestrian safety tips.
In 2018, Riverview was chosen as a site for a walk audit as part of the SR2S Evaluation and Intervention Project. SR2S staff along with school safety staff, the school principal and consultants identified potential projects in the area around the school that could improve the walkability and bikeability for students. This suggested project list helps the city and school district when applying for funding to make these types of improvements. Read the final Riverview Walk Audit Report.
In 2019, Principal Marci Rossi attended the Rio Vista SR2S Community Task Force, and discussed the need for funding to enclose the existing bicycle rack at the school. After discussions at the meeting about the upcoming pilot SR2S Micro Grant Program, Ms. Rossi applied for funds to build a locking fenced bike corral, and to purchase storage boxes to be installed for students to house their helmets and any riding gear. This project was awarded funding and will provide a safe place for students to leave their bicycles and scooters and will help encourage other students to ride or scoot to school.