Callison Elementary (VUSD)

In 2014, Callison Elementary Principal Cathy Bozzini saw the need to address traffic concerns affecting student safety during drop-off and pick-up. Working with the city of Vacaville traffic safety committee, she ultimately decided to close the school parking lot. She then contacted the SR2S program about starting a Walking School Bus (WSB) to encourage more students to walk to school thus reducing traffic and improving student safety. To alleviate parents’ concerns about their children walking to school, she chose school staff to lead the WSB routes. Read more to find out how Callison became a SR2S Champion School and how the WSB program has evolved over the years and continues to help students get to and from school safely.

Fairmont Charter School (VUSD)

Fairmont Charter School’s involvement with the SR2S Program began in 2013 when it started one of the first Walking School Bus programs in the county. Over the years, the school has participated in every event and program offering, and has consistently hosted both International Walk to School Day and National Bike to School Day to celebrate walking and biking to school.
Seeing the success of these yearly events and wanting to encourage more students to walk and bike to school on a regular basis, teacher Lauren Browers, took the initiative to start a weekly WOW (Walk or Wheel) Wednesdays program during the 2019-20 school year. Learn more about how the school’s participation in various SR2S activities led to its decision to start WOW Wednesdays, now a fun and popular event at Fairmont.
Fairmont Charter Elementary Champion School Page

Padan Elementary (VUSD)

Padan Elementary is a neighborhood school located on and near narrow residential streets and in close proximity to two other schools, a private K-8 and high school, that draw students from throughout Vacaville. Traffic during drop-off and pick-up times is always a challenge. Principal Cicely Rodda has embraced the SR2S Program for numerous years by participating in every event or activity offered. Always willing to take the next step to improve walking and biking safety for her students, Mrs. Rodda has also worked closely with SR2S on other endeavors, such as developing messaging for the school community about the benefits of walking and biking to school and involvement in a walk and bicycle accessibility audit to identify traffic safety issues around Padan. The result of this 2018 audit led to identifying the need for a pedestrian and bike crossing near the school. Read more about Padan’s history with SR2S and how the partnership has evolved to improve the safety of students and the community.
Padan Elementary Champion School
Read the Padan Walk Audit Report

Foxboro Elementary (TUSD)

After participating in International Walk to School Day and Bike to School Day with positive experiences the last 2 years, assistant principal, Kristyn Andrews, wanted to promote walking and biking to school to Foxboro Elementary students on a regular basis. So she took the next step and started a monthly WOW Wednesday program in November 2017.
WOW Wednesdays encourage students to walk or ride bikes or scooters to school. On the first Wednesday of the month, the Watch D.O.G. volunteers greet students near the school to cheer and thank them for walking, biking or riding a scooter instead of taking the car to school. For their efforts the students get a charm to put on a chain to proudly display on their backpacks.
Foxboro Elementary exemplifies what it means to be a Champion School. In addition to hosting International Walk to School Day, Bike to School Day and monthly WOW Wednesdays, Mrs. Andrews has encouraged participation in our annual Poster Contest and the twice-yearly student travel surveys. In addition, Foxboro goes the extra mile by promoting the events on its eye-catching school marquee and on the school web page.