School Year Layout
A Year of Safe Routes to School
August – September
- Get your school involved by contacting SR2S to schedule our free events and programs for the new school year.
- Help reduce school traffic by starting WOW (Walk or Wheel) Wednesdays or a Walking School Bus.
- Join thousands of students near and far by participating in International Walk to School Day (second Wednesday in October).
- Help us gather important travel mode data by completing the Fall Student Travel Survey.
November – January
- Schedule a live, interactive Virtual Assembly from Bay Area Bike Mobile! A fun, engaging way for kids to learn all about bikes - safety, maintenance, choosing a bike style, and more. Up to six classrooms can attend via video from the comfort of their own classroom. Perfect for the cold and rainy season!
February – April
- Get ready for Bike to School Day and schedule the Bike Mobile to come to your school.
- Fill up the bike racks at your school and bring your school community together by hosting National Bike to School Day (the second Wednesday in May).
- Complete the Spring Student Travel Survey to identify how your students get to and from school.
- Keep up the enthusiasm for your school's WOW (Walk or Wheel) Day!
June – July
- Consider hosting a Bike Rodeo and other SR2S events and programs to increase walking and biking at your school. It's a win-win for everyone!