Case Studies

The Benicia Safe Routes to School Project included constructing safety improvements on routes to three Benicia schools as described below. These projects, which made it safer for children to travel to three Benicia schools, are included in the Solano Transportation Authority’s Countywide 2013 SR2S Plan.

The crossing is located between N. Jackson Street and N. Jefferson Street in close proximity to Dixon’s downtown, Anderson Elementary School and adjacent residential areas. Although there are three at-grade crossings connecting residents to Dixon’s downtown, West B Street is the only Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) approved crossing for pedestrians. The schools that will benefit the most from these improvements are CA Jacobs Elementary, Tremont Elementary, and Anderson Elementary.
Read MoreFairfield

A Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) was installed in early 2021 to improve the safety of the existing crosswalk in front of Fairview Elementary. Located at the intersection of 1st Street and Kentucky Street, this crossing is also supported during school arrival and dismissal times by a school district crossing guard. This project will increase the safety for students and the community by alerting drivers of pedestrians crossing.
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The SR 12 crossing at Gardiner Way in the City of Rio Vista is a well-used pedestrian route for students that live on the west side of Rio Vista that attend D. H. White Elementary located on the east side of SR 12. Before the updated crossing, in pavement flashing lights were present at the crossing. The project identified the need to repaint the crosswalk, and add an overhead flashing pedestrian warning light for motorists.
In June 2020, the City of Rio Vista completed an all weather path along Montezuma Hills Road. With funding from Senate Bill 1 and the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, the new path replaces the existing pathway made of decomposed granite. This original pathway often washed away during the winter rains, making it difficult for students and residents to use the path for walking or biking. The new multi-use path connects the Vineyard Bluffs subdivision and Riverview Middle School, with the goal to help reduce vehicle traffic along this route.
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Suisun City

Suisun City is bisected by State Route 12, dividing the City into a northern and southern half. In addition, the southern half of Suisun City is divided into eastern and western zones by the Suisun Marsh located between Grizzly Island Road and Marina Boulevard. These divisions have created an unsafe environment for students who live within the southern residential districts of Suisun City and who attend either Crescent Elementary School or Crystal Middle School. Before completion of this porject, students who attend either school within the opposite zone of their homes would have to travel to school along the borders of State Route 12 and cross this highway twice to gain access to their schools.
Read MoreVacaville – HSIP Cycle 9 Projects (2020)

The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) provides funding for local safety projects that will reduce crashes and fatalities on public roadways. Projects must be identified based on crash experience, crash rate, crash potential, or other data based means. Projects eligible for HSIP include (but are not limited to): pedestrian crossing improvements, guard rail extensions, pavement or shoulder widening, traffic calming, etc.
In 2018, the crossing of the Alamo Creek Bike Path at Marshall Road was identified as a potential project for HSIP Pedestrian Set-aside funding. Each local agency has $250,000 in available funding per cycle to apply for safety related improvements. The City of Vacaville in partnership with STA applied for HSIP Cycle 9 funding for crossing improvements at this location and Browns Valley Parkway at Waterford/Clarescastle. These locations serve students as they travel to school.
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This Vacaville Safe Routes to Schools project was funded through OBAG and YSAQMD funds, and was supplemented with $30,000 of local funds. This project consisted of significant pedestrian infrastructure improvements at Vacaville High School, including sidewalk widening, adding sidewalk to close pedestrian gaps, constructing new ADA accessible curb ramps, crosswalk shortening, and the addition of Class II bike lanes and/or share-ows. The project also closed a pedestrian gap with new sidewalk adjacent to Vacaville Christian School, and installed new crosswalks, ADA accessible curb ramps, Rapid Flashing Pedestrian Beacons, and advance pedestrian crossing signing at Foxboro Elementary School.
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In Fall 2016, a SR2S Priority Safety Project was completed at Joseph Wardlaw Elementary School in Vallejo with funding from the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) and local funds from the City of Vallejo. The project was led by the City of Vallejo’s Senior Civil Engineer Allan Panganiban and staff, based on recommendations made from the Vallejo SR2S Community Task Force as part of the 2013 updated Safe Routes to School Plan. The City also met with Principal Juli Robbins to discuss the project and outreach to parents and neighbors during the construction and information was displayed through signage and on the website.
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