Solano Safe Routes to School Announces Micro Grant Program

Solano Transportation Authority’s (STA) Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program is now accepting applications for its first new SR2S Micro Grant Program. The goal of this pilot is to fund and support small-scale bike and pedestrian projects or capital purchases that improve safety around schools in Solano County, or that support efforts to encourage an increase in walking and biking for students. Solano County cities, school districts, schools, and community-based organizations are encouraged to apply before January 17, 2020.

Learn more and apply

Rocky Hill Trail party held for third year

Patrick Smith of Bay Area Bike Mobile fixes a bike’s wheel at the Night Out at Rocky Hill Trail. (Nick Sestanovich– The Reporter)

Monica Alvarez, a Reach member and senior at Vacaville High School, said the event was a showcase of what can happen when youth have their voices heard.

“This event is a great way to show that youth voices really can make an impact in a community,” she said.

5th Annual SR2S Poster Contest Begins

For the 5th year, the Solano Safe Routes to School Program is asking students to spread the word about walking and biking safety for themselves and their friends and classmates. Students were provided safety tips for Walking and Biking and asked to illustrate these rules. Winning artwork will be selected and included in a 2020 Solano Safe Routes to School Calendar.

More information and winning artwork (when announced) can be found here.

2019 SR2S Poster Contest Begins

28 Solano County Schools Participating In Bike-To-School Day

Bike to School Day will be celebrated across Solano County by 28 schools on May 8th for National Bike to School Day.

“Biking is a great way for students to travel to school, get some exercise, and reduce traffic around their school,” said Fairfield Mayor Harry Price, who serves as STA board chair. “For our young adults, biking provides a sense of independence and reinforces the development of healthy, lifelong habits.”

2019 Bike to School Day 5-08-2019

2018 Poster Contest

Solano County elementary and middle school students are invited to show their artistic abilities by entering the SR2S Annual Poster Contest designing a poster that tells their classmates why it’s good to walk, bike or ride a scooter to school. The poster should show proper use of traffic safety laws, such as wearing a bike helmet, crossing the street in a crosswalk, or riding a bike with the flow of traffic.

The Contest is open to Solano County students from  kindergarten – 12th grade and prizes are awarded to winning entries from grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.

For posters and entry forms click here: English & Spanish