A record 39 Solano County schools and an estimated 2,000 students this year participated in National Bike to School Day . Brisk winds and cool morning air may have discouraged higher turnouts but many still participated in the event.
More students observe National Bike to School Day
A record 39 Solano County schools and an estimated 2,000 students this year participated in National Bike to School Day, Wednesday, but brisk winds and cool morning air may have discouraged higher turnouts.
Student journalism shines again in Campus Star
In 1990, The Reporter launched a community engagement program designed to showcase the talent budding of young journalists and ad designers in our local elementary, middle and high schools
Solano Transportation Authority encourages students, employees to use bicycles
The Solano Transportation Authority is encouraging students to bike to school Wednesday and employees to bike to work Thursday.
Walking School Bus Implementation: Stories from the Field Webinar
A record 39 Solano County schools and an estimated 2,000 students this year participated in National Bik e to School Day . Brisk winds and cool morning air may have discour aged higher turnouts but many still participated in the e vent.
Keep Students Safe & Healthy with Safe Routes to School
The Solano County Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program team welcomes students back to school and is excited to work again with schools across Solano County.
New Year Begins for Vacaville Unified with ‘Significant Growth’
On the first day of the new school year, Vacaville Unified on Thursday welcomed nearly 12,800 students across 16 campuses, a sizable boost in enrollments compared to previous years.
Students Celebrate Bike to School Day 2016 at Cambridge Elementary in Vacaville
County and local officials were on hand at area schools to enourage and congratulate students that participated in Bike to School Day on May 4
Safe Routes to School “Think Outside the Car” Poster Contest Now Accepting Entries
Solano County elementary and middle school students are being asked to “think outside the car” and design a poster to encourage their classmates to walk, bike or ride a scooter to school instead of getting to school by car. See the press release
Program works to get kids out of cars and walking to school
To get local school children to be healthier and more alert in the classroom, Sarah Fitzgerald of the Solano Transportation Authority’s Safe Routes to School program is asking them to get out of their parents’ cars and walk to school.